In a recent blog post I talked about taking daydream breaks when working on a tough project. This is how I expand my boundaries. When I work with you, that’s what we do. We start off by just talking. I tickle you with questions . . . and then maybe in the middle of our conversation I’ll say, “That’s your story” or “Try that idea,” whether we’re talking about your one-page bio, a book, or a blog entry. I guarantee you that when our meeting or phone conversation is over you’ll be stimulated to write or explore a completely new direction. Writer’s block is never an issue.

Typewriter, Hotel Nacional de Cuba
With creative juices flowing your writing will be lively, inventive, appropriate for your audience and, most important, true to who you are. It’s never good to write what you think people will want to hear. Write what you want to write; just keep your audience in mind. I’ll help you craft what you’re writing in such a way that people will get your message and get you.