Copyright © Erin Clendenin Photography www.erinclendenin.com
After 45 years in the business I’m now bursting onto the scene to help writers in a new way.
I grew up in and around New York City, graduated from Ethical Culture Fieldston School and NYU Film School (now called Tisch School of the Arts).
While looking for a job in film I took a job in book publishing and never left.
I will always love film but I love books even more. Whether I was reading about Babar or Eloise or Siddhartha I read myself to sleep as soon as I could read, often late into the night, under the covers with a flashlight. That started my reading career. I won the creative writing award at my elementary school graduation and that started my writing career. Not getting a job in film started my publishing career.
Here’s where I’ve worked on staff:
- Delacorte Press/Dell Publishing (assistant to director of advertising and promotion)
- Yearling Books/Dell/Delacorte Books for Young Readers (editorial assistant, assistant editor, associate editor)
- Random House Student Book Clubs (Editorial Director, Grade 5-7 Club)
- Bantam Books (Senior Editor, Books for Young Readers)
- Avon Books (Editorial Director, Books for Young Readers)
- Bantam Books (Editorial Director, Books for Young Readers)
On staff I worked in children’s books. Freelance I work with writers on all genres and all age groups.
When I left the corporate world, I brought with me a lifetime of learning from great teachers, including the founders of Dell, Random House, and Bantam Books. I became comfortable with every step of the publishing process. I also brought with me a group of contacts that has grown stronger over time. The publishing industry is small and close-knit, with a good memory. You’re only as good as your last project and your reputation is your calling card. If a writer wants to get a book published, it’s best to bring along a publishing veteran with strong contacts and a good reputation.
I know what the industry wants because I’ve been part of it for 45 years.
When you ask me questions like: “Do I need an agent?” (yes), “Do I need to copyright my material when I submit it?” (no), you can be sure you’ll get a real answer, researched and updated so that it’s not simply anecdotal . . . though I do throw in a good anecdote when needed.
Find out more about my services here.